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Med-Enroll establishing company headquarters and processing center in Florence County

$3.5 million investment expected to result in 153 new jobs

COLUMBIA, S.C. – A company that specializes in assisting businesses with the management of healthcare costs is establishing its company headquarters and a processing center in Florence County. Med-Enroll is investing $3.5 million to establish operations in Florence, S.C. The investment is expected to create 153 new jobs.

Med-Enroll is a startup service firm focused on helping its clients find alternative, low-cost healthcare solutions. Med-Enroll will achieve this by educating its clients’ employees on public healthcare options, screening eligible employees in coverage as well as managing ongoing reporting requirements.

The company’s facility, a headquarters and processing center, will be located in Florence’s historic Rainwater Building at 151 West Evans Street. The 15,000-square-foot historic building, which the company is currently preparing to have restored, is positioned in the heart of downtown Florence.

Groundbreaking on the restoration project is expected to take place in February. However, hiring for the new positions is expected to begin immediately. Those interested in obtaining more information on open positions or the company itself should visit

The Coordinating Council for Economic Development has approved a $650,000 set aside grant to Florence County to assist with real property improvements. The council has also approved job development credits related to the project.


“The State of South Carolina and local officials in Florence have truly shown us their commitment to driving job creation and how business friendly South Carolina can be.  We are excited to be starting our venture in Florence and hope that our business will not only provide a positive economic impact in the region, but also serve as a business leader in helping drive the economic redevelopment of downtown Florence.” –Kerstin Nemec, president of Med-Enroll, Inc.

“It’s always exciting when a startup company decides to put its roots down in our state. Med-Enroll’s $3.5 million investment and the creation of more than 150 new jobs is great news for the Florence community, and we look forward to supporting them as they grow in our state.” –Gov. Nikki Haley

“The success of new business ventures is critical as we strive to advance South Carolina’s economy. Congratulations to Med-Enroll for trusting in their vision and investing in Florence County and the state of South Carolina.” –Secretary of Commerce Bobby Hitt

“Med-Enroll’s decision to locate in Florence is proof of our efforts to attract new investments and job opportunities to our State.  South Carolina’s favorable economic conditions and skilled workforce are critical tools for growing and supporting businesses of all types.” - Senator Hugh K. Leatherman, President Pro-Tempore of the Senate

“It is an exciting day for everyone in Florence County as we celebrate the addition of an outstanding new corporate citizen that will provide quality, good paying jobs for the citizens in our community.” - Florence County Council Chairman, Roger Poston

"Our efforts to encourage capital investment and the creation of jobs are paying dividends for the citizens of Florence.”- Stephen J. Wukela, Mayor of Florence

“Med-Enroll’s announcement is a significant way to start 2015. We celebrate the company’s decision to invest in our community and consider it a confirmation that we are right on track with our economic development efforts.” - Frank J. ‘Buddy’ Brand, Chairman of Florence County Economic Development Partnership


  • Med-Enroll is establishing its company headquarters and a processing center in Florence County.
  • $3.5 million investment creating 153 new jobs.
  • Med-Enroll is a startup service firm specializing in healthcare solutions for corporate clients and establishing company headquarters in Florence, S.C.
  • The facility is located at 151 West Evans Street, Florence, S.C.
  • Those interested in obtaining more information on open positions or the company itself should visit 

About Med-Enroll
Med-Enroll is a service firm focused on helping its clients find alternative, low-cost healthcare solutions  by educating its clients’ employees on public healthcare options, screening and eligible employees in coverage as well as managing ongoing reporting requirements. For more information on Med-Enroll, please visit