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Message from Secretary Hitt: Small business is the backbone of our economy

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Those words by artist Vincent Van Gogh ring true today from a small business perspective, as the backbone of our economy is built on small and medium-sized companies. 

Nationwide, small businesses employ nearly half of the American workforce and account for 99.9% of all U.S. companies. And, in South Carolina, small business is big business - boosting prosperity and the overall well-being of our citizens.

To celebrate and encourage supporting these businesses, Small Business Saturday is next weekend. Trailing Thanksgiving and Black Friday, November 30 will mark the 10-year anniversary of the annual holiday shopping tradition.

The entrepreneurial spirit fuels the American dream, and at the root of that vision is small business. So, next Saturday and beyond, we encourage support of all the local businesses within our borders. Your year-round support - not just on one day - promotes a more vibrant, prosperous community. When one business succeeds, that helps lay the foundation for an economy that holds promise for everyone.