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Existing Industry: Businesses Connect at BMW Diversity Event

It’s often said that major industries are like oak trees. As they thrive and expand, many things can develop and grow in their drip lines. This has certainly been the case with BMW’s robust manufacturing operation in the Upstate.

More than two decades since the facility first opened, there are now approximately 40 tier one suppliers located in South Carolina. And, with three consecutive record years in annual production, it appears that the growth of this robust supplier network will only continue.

As it does, BMW has adopted a supplier diversity initiative to promote an inclusive procurement environment throughout the organization. As part of that initiative, the global automaker hosted its 6th annual Tier One Supplier Diversity Matchmaker Conference earlier this month in Greenville, S.C.

With nearly 2,000 in attendance, the matchmaker event provided a great platform for South Carolina businesses to connect with BMW leadership and build relationships with other automotive suppliers. Members of S.C. Commerce’s small business and existing industry team managed a booth at the event, educating attendees about all of the resources available for companies across South Carolina.


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