As Team South Carolina seeks to build on its expanding global footprint, it’s important to companies that international customers, partners and future clients are able to connect and engage with them. A strong website and online presence are critical to the growth and success of an international business and its brand.
To assist companies with international growth, SC Commerce, through the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), is offering qualified businesses up to $6,000 in reimbursements for eligible website development expenditures.
The funds can be used for a variety of website upgrades including search engine optimization; global website localization services; website translation; analytics; currency conversion tools; and more.
In response to COVID-19, international website development is reimbursable through the South Carolina Export Incentive Program. Space is limited to eight South Carolina companies. Deadline to reserve your spot is Sept. 14, 2020. Work must be completed by Jan. 1, 2021.
For more information on how to take advantage of this funding program, contact Anita Patel at [email protected] or Norris Thigpen at [email protected].
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