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Innovation: Introducing Managing Director Laura Corder

Last week, S.C. Commerce welcomed a new addition to the agency -- Laura Corder, managing director of the state's Office of Innovation. To introduce our newest colleague to the rest of Team South Carolina, we conducted a brief interview, which we hope will provide some insight into Laura's vision for innovation.

Q: What excites you the most about this opportunity?
The opportunity to serve as an advocate for South Carolina in innovation across the state and country. South Carolina is well-positioned to attract entrepreneurs, inventors, established businesses and industry leaders, who all play critical roles in advancing the knowledge, capabilities and prosperity of our citizens.

Q: What do you see as the two biggest assets or attributes of our state’s innovation community?
South Carolina is rich in talented people, across public and private sectors, who are eager to engage. This willingness and commitment within communities is essential, resulting in actions that, as a whole, drive the state forward.

Q: What role do you see innovation playing in South Carolina’s economy? And, how might that change in the years ahead?  
Innovation as part of South Carolina’s economy is nothing new. We are a state that’s rich in historical contributions to innovation, including the submarine and first patented antibody labeling agent to diagnose infection. As the name suggests, innovation is continuously evolving to solve modern problems we face every day. The Palmetto State is growing its innovation economy, but it is time to celebrate the successes, while recognizing the depth of opportunities that will transform the ecosystem.

And, on a more personal note:

Q: What book, movie or television show could you not do without?
I’m an avid podcast listener and “Stuff You Should Know” is always at the top of my list, along with “Freakonomics Radio,” “TED Radio Hour” and “How I Built This."

Question 5: What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
My favorite concert so far is Rascal Flatts. I’ve seen them twice, but they were the headline band for Savannah’s Rock and Roll Marathon Series. There’s no better way to finish a race than with a live concert and close friends!

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