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International: Team S.C. Meets With Consuls General

Over the last few weeks, Team South Carolina has had the opportunity to meet with Consuls General representing many of our state’s top economic partners. Critical to the mission of the S.C. Department of Commerce, these individuals are extremely important as they can assist in connecting our team with potential international trade and investment clients.

Earlier this month, five Consuls General visited with Governor Henry McMaster and Secretary of Commerce Bobby Hitt at the Governor’s Mansion. Among them were William de Baets of Belgium, Takashi Shinozuka of Japan, Ambassador Judith Varnai Shorer of Israel, Detlev Ruenger of Germany and Remedios Gomez of Mexico, who also met with members of S.C. Commerce’s International Strategy and Trade Division last week.

And, on Wednesday Night, Secretary Hitt and other S.C. Commerce staff met with several more Consuls General at an event in Atlanta. By building and strengthening relationships with these individuals, the State of South Carolina will be able to further expand on its already robust presence around the world; and, as a result, the Palmetto State will remain a top destination for international businesses for years to come. 

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