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International: Former President of Tunisia Visits S.C.

With more than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power located outside of the United States, international trade and investment remains a crucial component of South Carolina’s economy. Recognizing this, the S.C. Department of Commerce’s International Strategy and Trade Division meets regularly with industry leaders and other allies from across the globe to showcase all that the Palmetto State has to offer. 

A terrific example of these efforts is last month’s meeting with the former President of Tunisia, His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Moncef Marzouki. Visiting our state as a guest of the University of South Carolina, Dr. Marzouki and S.C. Commerce staff met to discuss South Carolina’s trade and investment programs, as well as our economic relationship with Tunisia. Last year alone, the Palmetto State traded nearly $8 million worth of goods with the North African nation.

As South Carolina has transformed into a global leader in complex manufacturing, we’ve developed a truly international pro-business reputation. To preserve and build on this reputation, the continued strengthening of relationships with industry and economic development leaders from around the world is critical.

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