On this week four years ago, Team South Carolina celebrated a hat trick, as three major brand names announced significant economic development projects in the state. Giti Tire, Lash Group and LPL Financial collectively announced $800 million in capital investment and 7,100 new jobs on June 16, 2014. More than just a major win for our economic development community, this milestone symbolized something more -- South Carolina had truly become a brand state.
As one of the 12 largest tire manufacturers in the world, Singapore-based Giti Tire could've established operations anywhere. Yet, they chose South Carolina. Similarly, Lash Group and LPL Financial, which are leaders in their respective fields of healthcare and finance, could've invested in any major market. However, both chose to locate their corporate headquarters right here in the Palmetto State.
Today, after having invested millions, these three firms are employing thousands in South Carolina. On top of that, their presence here has spoken loudly to prospective industries around the world. Since 2014, many more global brands have made the decision to call our state home. And, as a result, we've developed a brand of our own.
South Carolina is now known worldwide as a leader in industry. Companies from all corners of the Earth aren't just locating here, they're having success here. So, this week, as we celebrate the anniversary of 2014's milestone hat trick, we recognize how far Team South Carolina has come in spreading the message that our state truly is 'Just right' for business.