The Coordinating Council consists of the heads or board chairs of 11 state agencies concerned with economic development: SC Department of Commerce, SC Ports Authority, SC Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, SC Department of Agriculture, SC Technical College System, SC Research Authority, SC Department of Employment and Workforce, SC Department of Revenue, SC Jobs-Economic Development Authority, SC Department of Transportation and Santee Cooper. Beginning in FY 2021, Proviso 50.22 added the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, or his designee, and the chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee, or his designee, to the Coordinating Council's membership. Additionally, the Council includes the Senate Finance Committee chairman, or their designee, as well as the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, or their designee.
The SC General Assembly enacted the Enterprise Zone legislation in 1995. Since that time, the incentives contained in this legislation, including the Job Development Credit and Job Retraining Credit, have created a significant competitive advantage for this state and enhanced South Carolina’s ability to compete for and win high-quality, high-wage economic development projects. These incentives are particularly valuable to companies locating or expanding in “Tier IV” counties and have helped attract needed jobs and industry to the most rural areas of the state. *Note: The Job Retraining Credit is administered by the Tech Board, so the Enterprise Zone annual report no longer includes program information for that program.