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Smithey Ironware Company expands Charleston County operations

COLUMBIA, S.C.Smithey Ironware Company (Smithey), a cookware designer and manufacturer, today announced the expansion of its operations in Charleston County.

LCI-Lineberger Construction, Inc. expands Lancaster County operations

COLUMBIA, S.C.LCI-Lineberger Construction, Inc. (LCI), a heavy highway and civil contractor, today announced it is expanding its operations in Lancaster County.

S.C. Commerce awarded grant to support state exporters

COLUMBIA, S.C. – The South Carolina Department of Commerce (S.C. Commerce) has been awarded a State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Through a competitive application process, the state received its full requested amount of $325,000 to support and encourage small business export success.

84 Lumber grows South Carolina footprint with new operation in Clarendon County

COLUMBIA, S.C.84 Lumber, included on Forbes list of America’s largest private companies, today announced it selects Clarendon County to establish the company’s second component plant in S

Google grows South Carolina footprint with new Dorchester County operations, expansion in Berkeley County

COLUMBIA, S.C.Google today announced plans to grow its South Carolina footprint by establishing two new data center campuses in Dorchester County and expanding its existing data center campus

Smartpress selects Spartanburg County to establish first South Carolina operation

COLUMBIA, S.C.Smartpress, a commercial online printing company, today announced it selects Spartanburg County to establish the company’s first South Carolina operation.

Keurig Dr Pepper continues growing Spartanburg County operations

COLUMBIA, S.C.Keurig Dr Pepper (KDP), a leading producer of hot and cold beverages, today announced the continued growth of its state-of-the-art, single serve coffee roasting and manufa

Asset Technology Group, Inc. expanding and relocating headquarters to Florence County

COLUMBIA, S.C.Asset Technology Group, Inc. (ATG), an information technology (IT) services provider, today announced it is expanding and relocating its headquarters to Florence County.

Unified Resources in Display selects Jasper County to establish first South Carolina operation

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Unified Resources in Display (Unified Resources), an innovative retail and merchandising agency, today announced it selects Jasper County to establish the company’s first South Carolina operation. The company’s $14 million investment will create 143 new jobs.

ARKU Inc. selects Spartanburg County to establish first South Carolina operation

COLUMBIA, S.C. ARKU Inc. (ARKU), a leader in sheet metal leveling and deburring, today announced it selects Spartanburg County to establish the company’s first South Carolina operation.

East Coast Warehouse & Distribution selects Charleston County to establish first South Carolina operation

COLUMBIA, S.C. – East Coast Warehouse & Distribution, a leading temperature-controlled logistics provider, today announced it selects Charleston County to establish the company’s first South Carolina operation.

J&P Park, Inc. expands Greenwood County operations

COLUMBIA, S.C. – J&P Park, Inc. (J&P Park), a portfolio of brands providing consumers with innovative and high-quality gardening and hobby-based products, announced today that it is expanding its Greenwood County operations with the recent acquisition of Northern Brewer, a leader in homebrewing.

Meta selects Aiken County for first South Carolina data center

COLUMBIA, S.C.Meta today announced it is establishing the company’s first South Carolina operation with a new data center in Aiken County.

Eveon Containers expands North American operations with a new headquarters in Charleston County

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Eveon Containers (Eveon), a global online provider of used shipping containers, today announced the expansion of its North American operations to include a new headquarters in Charleston County.

US Brick expands Richland County operations

COLUMBIA, S.C. US Brick, a closely held manufacturer and direct supplier of residential and commercial brick, today announced it is expanding its Richland County operations.

Media Inquiries

For more information or media inquiries, please contact Kelly Coakley, Director of Marketing and Communications