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News in International Strategy and Trade: STEP program celebrates 10 years of success

The U.S Small Business Administration’s (SBA) State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) is celebrating 10 years of helping small businesses find global success. STEP assists small businesses overcome obstacles in exporting by providing grants to cover the costs associated with entering and expanding into international markets. 

In South Carolina, 317 STEP grants have been awarded to S.C. businesses since the program’s inception, helping these companies enter 80 international markets and generating $202 million in export sales.   

Additionally, the S.C. Department of Commerce has been awarded a STEP grant from the SBA for 2020. The state received its full requested amount of $141,200. These funds will allow S.C. Commerce to support South Carolina businesses seeking to expand their reach to new markets around the globe. 

STEP awards are managed at the state level by S.C. Commerce. For more information on S.C. Commerce's export assistance program, click here.

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