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State and community leaders graduate from South Carolina economic development training program

SCEDA Institute graduates 45 community leaders

 The S.C. Department of Commerce (S.C. Commerce) and S.C. Economic Developers’ Association (SCEDA) today announced that 45 state and community leaders have graduated from a statewide economic development training program, S.C. Economic Development Institute (Institute).

“Collaboration is the backbone of economic development, and programs like the SCEDA Institute are key in accomplishing our mission of advancing industry and creating opportunities for South Carolinians,” said Secretary of Commerce Harry M. Lightsey III.

“This training gives economic development stakeholders and partners across our state the skills and knowledge to foster industry growth within their local communities, creating a stronger and more competitive South Carolina.”

A joint effort between S.C. Commerce and SCEDA, The Institute is designed to ready participants with innovative development approaches for implementation in local communities. The program features a highly interactive curriculum, allowing participants to obtain a greater hands-on economic development learning experience.

Now in its 32nd year, the Institute consists of quarterly, two-day sessions that are hosted in various locations throughout the state. 

The Institute is open to individuals from a wide variety of organizations and entities, including city, town and county councils; local economic development practitioners; county economic development boards; county school boards; regional economic development boards; utility companies; and local and state governments.

For more information, visit or contact SCEDA (803-929-0305).

2022 South Carolina Economic Development Institute graduates, listed alphabetically by last name:
(Click on the hyperlink for a photo of the participant)

Jeromy Arnett, Alliance Pickens

Toney Benson, OneSpartanburg, Inc.

James Blassingame, Sumter City Council

Stephanie Bosch, Florence County Economic Development Partnership

April Chaffins, S.C. Department of Commerce

Thomas Clark, Richmond, Virginia

Jim Clifford, City of North Augusta

Benjamin Conklin, Chesterfield County Council

James Crosland, City of Cayce

Jessica Dailey, Lowcountry Council of Governments

Grayson Dorr, South Carolina Research Authority

Joel Duke, Aiken County

Angie Ellis, S.C. Technical College System

John Gregory, Union County Development Board

Caroline Griffin, S.C. Department of Commerce

Timothy Griffin, Chesterfield County Economic Development Board

Kay Hampton, Nexsen Pruet

Joey Haney, Union County Schools

Tyler James, Oconee Economic Alliance

Ashley Jenkins, S.C. Department of Commerce

Natasha Jeter, Union County Development Board

Deborah Jones, Florence County Economic Development Partnership

Donna Lamb, Colleton County Economic Alliance

Qiana Lindsey, S.C. Department of Commerce

Randy Lowell, Union County Development Board

Margaret Marstin, Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP

Michelle McDonald, Dorchester County Economic Development

Zach McKay, Marion County Economic Development

Lee Mikell, Dominion Energy

Billy Morgan, Greenwood County Economic Development

Kimberly Mullinax, Lowcountry Council of Governments

Tiffany Myers, Clarendon County Development Board

Jennifer Newlands, S.C. Department of Commerce

Naomi Reed, City of Fountain Inn             

Carl Schumpert, Myrtle Beach Regional Economic Development

Stephanie Shaw, Darlington County

Jamie Shipman, HITT Contracting Inc.

Tim Smoak, Comporium Communications

Albert Talbert, Edgefield County

Brent Ward, Alliance Consulting Engineers

Dayton Ward, S.C. Department of Commerce

Kendra Wilkerson, Rural Infrastructure Authority (Not pictured)

Ciara Williams, Orangeburg County Development Commission

Katie Williams, S.C. Department of Commerce

Zechariah Willoughby, Fairfield County Economic Development