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International: Canadian Consulate General Hosts Event for South Carolina Women Executives

As our faithful friends to the north, Canada continues to be one of South Carolina’s most reliable economic partners. Since 2011, Canada-based companies have brought more than $750 million of capital investment, creating approximately 4,000 new jobs in our state. Canada is also one of South Carolina’s top export partners, accounting for more than $3.4 billion in export sales in 2016.

On Wednesday, Canadian Consul-General Louise Blais visited Columbia, S.C. for an executive women’s luncheon. Discussing topics such as economic development and professional growth, the luncheon was just the latest example of this ongoing partnership with our northern ally. And, as we continue to strengthen this mutually-beneficial relationship, S.C. Commerce will be leading another trade mission to Canada this fall.

For more information on all South Carolina is doing to cultivate relationships with businesses and leaders in Canada and all over the world, visit the global network page on the S.C. Commerce website

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