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Message from Secretary Hitt: Diversity and inclusion the recipe for economic success

"When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become a wiser, more inclusive and better organization." That statement by businesswoman and human resources pioneer Pat Wadors rings true today as our places of work are becoming increasingly diverse.

The advancement of inclusion in our workforce is a priority for Team S.C. Earlier this week, women who are making waves in leadership roles gathered for the 2019 South Carolina Women's Business Summit hosted in Columbia. The group of hundreds of women met to inspire professional and personal development and growth in business. Lieutenant

Governor and business owner Pamela Evette and S.C. Commerce Deputy Secretary Jennifer Fletcher served as keynote speakers at the sold-out event. 

South Carolina is one of the fastest-growing states in the nation in the number of women-owned businesses, with 167,000 companies led by females. 

And, earlier this fall, the S.C. Commerce Existing Industry team partnered with the Hispanic Business Association and Charleston LDC to host the inaugural Small Business Forum in Charleston. More than 20 business owners and industry stakeholders explored various resources available across the state to advocate and support Hispanic entrepreneurs and business owners. 

Team South Carolina is no stranger to diversity. With the number of minority and women-owned businesses growing each day, we are committed to providing companies the resources and tools to help them find success. 

Moving forward, in this era of globalization and interconnectedness, advancing diversity and inclusion will ensure South Carolina remains a business-friendly state where businesses of all types can grow and prosper.