On Monday, Oct. 21, 2024, S.C. Commerce and SC Nexus leadership welcomed Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Cristina Killingsworth and other U.S. Economic Development Administration staff to South Carolina for a multi-city junket as part of the federal agency’s “Great American Tech Hubs Tour.”

Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Cristina Killingsworth (second from far left) participated in a multi-city tour with SC Nexus Tech Hub consortium partners.
The tour, which was hosted by multiple higher education consortium members including Clemson University, University of South Carolina and South Carolina State University, fostered discussion about the tech hub’s inaugural projects and the growing partnership ecosystem that will be foundational to the projects’ successes. The group also had the opportunity to tour project facility spaces on two campuses.
A little more than a year after receiving federal designation as one of 31 Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs nationwide, SC Nexus was one of only 12 tech hubs awarded the EDA’s implementation grant funding, receiving $45 million.
See more about the tour, or visit www.sccommerce.com/scnexus for additional information on the SC Nexus Tech Hub.
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