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SC Nexus Officials Welcome U.S. Economic Development Administration for Tech Hubs Tour

On Monday, Oct. 21, 2024, S.C. Commerce and SC Nexus leadership welcomed Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Cristina Killingsworth and other U.S. Economic Development Administration staff to South Carolina for a multi-city junket as part of the federal agency’s “Great American Tech Hubs Tour.”

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SC NEXUS Tech Hub One of 12 Receiving Federal Funds

On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) named the SC Nexus for Advanced Resilient Energy (SC NEXUS) one of 12 tech hub recipients of the agency’s implementation funding round. SC NEXUS will receive $45 million from the federal agency, divided among four of the six projects included in S.C. Commerce’s phase two funding application.

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