Meet workforce opportunities in South Carolina
This podcast examines promising practices to meet workforce opportunities, with in-depth conversations about education today, and the many directions in which graduates can begin their journeys. We bring you stories about ever-changing careers, the modern workplace and the skills needed that don’t necessarily require four-year degrees. And provide practical advice on how to navigate your graduate a road map to success, along with available resources and funding opportunities available to get them there.

Join our host Hannah Horne, as we chronicle educational choices and careers for young adults today.
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The incredible journey of a health care professional and the many opportunities for careers with purpose.
- Human Interest Story - Michelle Logan-Owens, COO McLeod Regional Medical Center
- Industry Perspective - Laura Hewitt - SC Hospital Association
- Occupation Report for Registered Nurses (140.47 KB)
- Real-Time Intelligence Report - Health Care (110.69 KB)
- Occupation Report for Dental Hygienists (140.06 KB)
- Occupation Report for Radiologic Technologists and Technicians (140.77 KB)
Translating your teen’s tech savvy skills into career opportunities. Incredible career paths you may not know exist!
- Human Interest Story - Andrew Morris, Great Noise Intelligence
- Industry Perspective - Isiah Reese, Microsoft
Hear from an executive at BMW talk about his personal journey and navigating the path forward with his own children.
- Human Interest Story - Ryan Childers, BMW Parent
- Industry Prespective - James Richter with SC Manufacturer' Association
Don’t miss hearing about the career opportunities available NOW!
- Human Interest Story - Heather Hoffman, Carolina Trucks
- Industry Perspective - Leslie Clark, VP of Operations, Carolina's AGC and also representing Associated Industries of South Carolina Foundation (AISCF) Be Pro Be Proud
Join us to hear about the many job opportunities available in the logistics supply chain and the major industries that support it!
- Human Interest Story - Omar Asby - SC Ports Authority
- Industry Perspective - Corey Mabrey - Head of Logistics, Continential Tire and SC Logistics Board Chair
- Occupation Report for Logisticians (145.11 KB)
- Real-Time Intelligence Report - TDL (88.23 KB)
How has COVID highlighted Tech Jobs now and in the future?
- Human Interest Story - Krissa Watry-Dynepic
- Industry Perspective - Kim Christ, Director of Technology and Cybersecurity Initiatives, SC Council on Competitiveness
Brought to you by
Regional Workforce Advisors
Twelve Regional Workforce Advisors focus on ensuring that South Carolina’s workforce continues to be one of the best in the nation. At a time when South Carolina’s economy is developing at historic rates, the Regional Workforce Advisors are the state’s resource for creating a workforce of the future. These advisors are our go-to team, bridging gaps at the local level between those who educate our students and those in the business community who rely on a talented labor pool.
Financial Assistance for two- and four-year colleges (applications, FAFSA, etc)
Scholarship Resources
- Tallo Discover over $20 billion in financial aid and showcase your skills to colleges and employers
Scholarship specific to Logistics
- CWIT (Charleston Women in International Trade) (Annual scholarships are due in March)
- CBFFAC (Charleston Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders) (Annual scholarships are due in March)
- CMCA (Charleston Motor Carriers Association)
Health Care occupations, how to get there and quick facts about salaries and education
Other health care resources
Current training opportunities (ask Brad)
For current job opportunities, please visit:
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