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Register today: S.C. Automotive B2B Supplier Matchmaker

Statewide suppliers have the opportunity to build business relationships at the upcoming S.C. Automotive B2B Supplier Matchmaker, taking place during the annual South Carolina Automotive Summit in March.

Life Sciences: Save the date for SCBIO 2022

SCBIO2022With an annual economic impac

Innovation: Team S.C. showcasing state at worldwide tech conference

CESSouth Carolina is transforming into a hu

Building business relationships: S.C. Automotive B2B Supplier Matchmaker

Relationships are the backbone of industry, and S.C. Commerce’s B2B events are one of the many opportunities Team S.C. provides to help businesses work together and find that perfect match. The upcoming S.C.

S.C. Commerce India team promotes state at leading textiles trade show

TextilesTeam South Carolina was o

Recap: South Carolina Manufacturing Conference and Expo

Manu 1Returning to the in-person f

News in Workforce: S.C. Commerce Workforce and Retention Webinar Series

S.C. Commerce continues to host monthly webinars that focus on workforce and retention resources for companies.

S.C. companies honored as fastest growing in the state

awardsEarlier this w

Commerce Communications: You've got mail

Team South Carolina works to ensure the state’s brand and economic development activity are effectively communicated, and utilizes a number of vehicles in that effort. One of which is this very newsletter.

Commerce Communications: Celebrating manufacturing across S.C.

South Carolina produces some of the most complex products in the world.