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Message from Secretary Hitt: Driving corporate citizenship

In June 1992, BMW made a decision that would ultimately help transform South Carolina’s economic landscape. Eyes around the world focused on S.C.

Message from Secretary Hitt: Strengthening competitiveness through international trade

May is World Trade Month – an opportunity to recognize the impact exporting has on the United States economy and overall business growth. Here in South Carolina, global trade is an integral part of our state’s identity.

News in Automotive: South Carolina Automotive Summit, B2B Matchmaker recap

With an estimated annual impact of $27 billion, the automotive industry is a major economic driver in the Palmetto State.

Message from Secretary Hitt: Teeing up South Carolina to the world

The global spotlight is shining brightly on the Palmetto State, as several of our state’s signature events are back in full swing – marking a sense of return to normalcy from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Message from Secretary Hitt: The magnitude of manufacturing in S.C.

It's no secret that over the last several decades South Carolina has established itself as a true leader in advanced manufacturing.

News in Workforce: Vaccination opportunity for businesses

The federally supported Community Vaccination Center (CVC) is now open, and South Carolina’s business community is invited to participate.

Message of Secretary Hitt: Sailing into a new era of global connectivity

portA historic moment 20 yea