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Share Your Business’ “Launch to Legacy” Success Story

As S.C. Commerce moves into phase two of its new brand marketing campaign, the agency is seeking to add more success stories to South Carolina's economic development narrative.

Connecting a Robust Automotive Supplier Network

Home to more than 500 automotive companies, South Carolina’s supplier network is a major factor in the industry’s vitality and enduring success. S.C.

Governor McMaster Establishes South Carolina-Ireland Trade Commission

South Carolina formally strengthened its ties with Ireland Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, when Governor Henry McMaster signed a bill establishing the South Carolina-Ireland Trade Commission.

S.C. Commerce Announces New International Office

On the heels of a December 2022 memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the United Kingdom (U.K.) and a rise in bilateral co

Promoting Taiwanese Business Relations

S.C. Commerce, led by Secretary of Commerce Harry Lightsey, was honored to send a state delegation to U.S. Business Opportunities Day in Taiwan in early October to promote global business relations and investment opportunities.

Scout Motors Unveils New EV Models

South Carolina’s most recently announced automotive original equipment manufacturer, Scout Motors publicly unveiled its long-awaited EV models during the company’s highly anticipated live event Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024.

SC Nexus Officials Welcome U.S. Economic Development Administration for Tech Hubs Tour

On Monday, Oct. 21, 2024, S.C. Commerce and SC Nexus leadership welcomed Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Cristina Killingsworth and other U.S.

Up-to-date information, resource reminders

The S.C. Emergency Business Resources dashboard provides real-time status updates on power outages and shelters, with links to statewide resources to assist businesses.

Celebrating, Strengthening South Korean Business Relationships

Secretary of Commerce Harry Lightsey and S.C. Commerce’s international staff proudly represented South Carolina at the 2024 Republic of Korea-Southeast U.S. Economic Partnership Conference (ROK-SEUS), Aug. 23, 2024, in Atlanta.

Promoting Advanced Energy as a Key to Resiliency

As utility demands rise, so too does the need for a diverse and secure power supply. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Ashely Teasdel recently spoke at the South Carolina Advanced Nuclear Forum, alongside utility, higher education and advanced energy partners including Governor Henry McMaster.

South Carolina Continues to Strengthen U.K. Trade Ties

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster and S.C. Commerce staff, led by Deputy Secretary of Commerce Ashely Teasdel, welcomed British Ambassador to the U.S. Dame Karen Pierce DCMG, to Columbia, S.C., to further economic development and trade relation discussions.

Serving Businesses, Supporting Legacies

How S.C. Commerce's Business Services team helps companies expand their reach. Building a legacy means that the work doesn't end with a project announcement or groundbreaking celebration. S.C. Commerce has full-time staff ready to find creative solutions to support South Carolina companies at every phase of their life cycle.

United Kingdom-South Carolina Relations Grow

In mid-July, Deputy Secretary of Commerce Ashely Teasdel and S.C. Commerce led a state delegation throughout the United Kingdom.

South Carolina Recognized in Business Facilities’ Latest Rankings

South Carolina is built for the new economy. Industry magazine Business Facilities recently recognized the state for many of the attributes C-Suite executives and small business owners alike have already come to appreciate.

Resources Available for Businesses Impacted by Tropical Storm Debby

While Tropical Storm Debby has moved past South Carolina, communities are still feeling the storm’s impacts.